Today we left Marc and Lori's house. They really were the nicest people. They will be invited to my wedding. They love to travel and I am sure that coming to wine country would be a blast for them, except Julien, who would not be allowed to drink because the age for drinking is different. We drove by Le Leo Waterloo....the Lion of Waterloo. It is a famous statue/monument that overlooks the fields of Waterloo, the famous battle where Napoleon lost. Marc dropped us off at Emmy's house....yeah! We spent the morning chatting with her parents who claim that they do not speak English, but OMG, everyone in France and Belgium lie! The ones that say that they do not speak English can totally carry on conversations like it's nothing. I am starting to get better. I can describe many things. I have been learning a lot of the Dallons family line. I may even have to make a picture family tree to show everyone back in Paso so that we all know everyone by face. We met up with Cristal Dallons, Emmy's sister. She came to Paso when I was very young and stayed with Berna. It was nice to see her again. We went out and got REAL fries....French fries should not be called "FRENCH" fries because they are in fact, a Belgian invention....oh well. But we ate them with mayonaise.....(I am going to get fat in Belgium....all they eat is mayo...lol) It was actually tasty but too filling....(I will post pictures tomorrow) We then traveled to Brussels and walked around the city. We saw the "Mannequin Piss", a famous statue known because it pisses out wine. Sometimes, he even gets to wear costumes, but that was not the case today. We had real chocolate and I am sad to say that I might never eat american chocolate again....it is THAT good. I can't bring any back because it was melting here.....
BTW, I tried a beer and I actually LIKED it.....it was a cherry beer so it tasted much like cherry soda, but it was delicious! The color was the most beautiful red I have ever seen....
Later, we had real meat fondue....c'est tres delicious! We also had something called le tarte aux sucres, or sugar pie! It was so good. It tasted just like french toast! We went all the way to Mons after dinner and saw Stephan Bellens, Emmy's brother. He stayed with me at my house when I was about 12 years old with Matthieu Devergne, who I saw in Paris earlier this week. It has been a series of memories since coming back to Belgium.
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