Today we woke up to go scuba diving! Well, actually, we woke up throughout the morning due to a Mr. Rooster who felt it was necessary to get us up early! All our training in NYC finally gets put to good use. Oh and our first big day of sun! NOW Aaron feels like he’s on vacation. Water was a bit choppy at the shore, but we’ll take what we can get.
Before going out to sea, we got to play with a fruit bat named JJ. I have been calling him Johnny however! I absolutely LOVE this fruit bat and am convinced that we MUST get one as a pet. The other day, we met him and we saw him pee….bats actually bring themselves right side up and dangle by their claws to pee. Quite a sight actually. Very funny looking. We also saw him give himself head, but that doesn’t need explanation.
Anyway, JJ is very friendly and not camera shy. He licked our sweaters and even bit us. (No rabies please) He tried to eat my hair as well, and realized that his favorite snack was actually the hanging strap on our camera. We took tons of video of him chomping away.
Scuba was great! We went down to 50 feet no problem. We saw tons of coral and lots of bright fishies! The dive guide noticed a sea cucumber under the sand and unearthed it for us. When she poked it, it spat out white strings. It looked a little but like jiz! Lol We also saw some parrot fish and giant clams. Aaron particularly loved the neon green fish.
After scuba, we came back to the resort, got to sun a bit, and then got to meet with some locals who taught us about basket weaving, mat making, and all other kinds of crafts dealing with palms. We bought a mat!
We also saw a local group of kids do traditional songs and dances. They were so cute! All the little boys were wearing grass skirts and had spears, and the little girls all had flowers on. One little girl in particular was in the front row chewing gum, and she made both me and Aaron laugh.
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