I love seeing all the french and english throughout the city! Makes me want to get really good at french again! Le sigh, I wish I was more adamant about staying with it!
After lunch, we biked to the biodome, a domed shaped building that was used during the 1972 Olympics for the biking events. It now houses animals and is a sort of zoo. Unfortunately, when we got there, we learned that the workers were striking and the building was closed....so no penguins! Boo! I almost cried....ok, maybe not! Since we had biked all the way there, we noticed that the Olympic stadium had a tour. And we decided to do it, even though we were both expecting to be bored out of our minds. It was actually quite interesting. And I like that they use the stadium now for all kinds of things. The tour guide mentioned that outside in the courtyard area, there were flags waving from all the countries who had won a gold that year....and that Canada was not among them. There were also flags waving from countries that don't exist anymore, like the Soviet Union. Pretty cool!

In this picture, Aaron is in front of the Olympic Tower. It's such a weird shape/structure, but its purpose is to hold up the huge stadium's roof.
After the stadium, we biked to our hotel area, and then took a cab to the casino in Montreal. And we did well in roulette again! Who knew that we'd have good odds on a shitty game?!
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