Today was our last full day in Kiev, and I sound sad in saying that I'm very happy that it's our last night. Though I've found the people to be kind and the city to be great and filled with life, I don't want to be around when a protest is going on. I can't believe that in this one week, 100 people have died. Anyway, I thought I'd post a picture of our subway station sign. They finally turned the subways back on so we could leave our neighborhood! I've been feeling really isolated here, not being able to communicate with anyone unless I'm miming….(glad that mime class finally came in handy) I can't read anything. While Lainey can read stuff, apparently in Russian class, the books and words are all written with accents to tell you where the emphasis is in the word. But in Ukrainian, they don't do that. So Lainey ended up butchering a lot of words, but I didn't care. More power to her!
Dasha, our contact and dear friend here suggested we try Lviv Handmade chocolates for a snack. We weren't particularly hungry, but once we stepped inside, the intoxicating chocolate smell MADE us eat! Not kidding! Half of us ordered cakes or coffee, while Marcus, Jonathan, and I ordered "melted chocolate" with fruits to dip in. The waiter asked us if we wanted white, dark, or milk chocolate. It was SO good. I even picked up a few bars all for Aaron that I won't even dare eat because the flavors are so crazy, like anise, or chili.
Marcus liked his so much that he licked his cup clean. He looks like he's in a chocolate daze!
We then continued back up the road we walked the first day we arrived here, up towards St. Andrew's church to do some photos and promos for the episode intro. I found this fun little swing of a branch. (Though I was told that I might break it!)
I haven't shown much of the beauty of the city and I think it has something to do with the fact that it's freaking COLD outside! But here's an example; an unassuming door painted in my favorite colors. I really do hope that if I come back, it's at a warmer time in the year as I think wearing skirts and shorts would be sublime!
It was a cloudy day, but beautiful still. Here's more of the church! It was closed today (thank goodness we went during the weekend so we could see the inside)I absolutely love the domes on top. The gem turquoise against the aqua just made it SHINE for me! Also, I'm digging the gold accents. I'm more of a silver girl and I just thought this was breathtaking.
We also went back to the sculpture garden to do a walking segment and go at a lighter part of the day since the last time we were there, it was nearly dusk. We did some lindy in the park and I finally got to do some lifts! (YEAH! So excited as I've wanted to learn them for a long time and no one seems to be teaching them in my area when I'm available EVER) Ben was my partner and he lifted me with ease and lucky for us, it was warm enough that we could dance in sweaters and t shirts. 
It was really nice to get out of the apartment! I couldn't handle much more of being cooped up in our neighborhood. It also doesn't help that the mall has been closed so we can't escape!
On the way back home, we walked to the funicular and accidentally got really close to St. Michael's Church which Ben, myself, and Marcus were not happy about. Why you ask? Oh, maybe because it was being used a the rebel hospital/morgue. Walking in our big group, we look like we don't belong. We were once again being watched by the locals. We hurried very fast to the funicular to get the heck out of there. Once on the subway, we could breathe. Marcus wanted to smell some lady's fur coat. Or was he wanting to take a nap in it?The boys were all happy to be out too. See? Tomorrow we have Dasha over for a while before heading to the airport for Barcelona! It's been unreal, Kiev!
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