Today we were day trippers. We woke up and took the train to Pisa. I feel sorry for Pisans, honestly. They are known for one tower, a tower that is only famous for a mistake. This is their only claim to fame.

We got off the train and hurried to the tower. Yep, it leans. A whole lot actually. Also, there were about half a million tourists being "cleaver" and posing like they were pushing it back up or holding it from falling.....yep, tourists rock.

We got to go up inside and on top of the tower (which was a bell tower) and even the insides are tilted. The stairs have been worn down by millions of tourists walking up and down. You can actually see where you are in the lean depending on the dent in the stairs. It was actually quite an experience, feeling all out of balance, kind of like a walking Tilt-o-Whirl. When we got back down, my legs were somewhat shaky from the balancing I now needed to have and it felt like when you start walking on the ground after having been on a tread mill.

We then did what most tourists DON'T do in Pisa; we checked out the Duomo (Cathedral) and the cemetery there. The Duomo was actually very pretty and made over a thousand years ago, while the cemetery was special because the people buried there were buried with holy dirt, soil from Jeruselem.
We then hopped back on the train for Florence. Yep, back to Florence. We walked around some more, checking out the Medici Palace with all its relics (old dead peoples' bones and body parts) and trying to get into the Uffuzi. No such luck! Oh well, guess we weren't meant to see the Venus on this trip.
And of course, gelato. We tried two new places although we could've gone back to Gelateria Neri and been super happy. We went with more book suggestions and tried Vestri, which upon arrival, found it was actually a chocolate shop that served gelato....not exactly what I wanted, but I was willing to test it out. (Aaron was annoyed that this chocolate shop didn't have chocolate gelato) After Vestri, walking, an Inoteca with some awesome salami plate, we found Grom, the high end gelateria. Nice, but I think we have a a thing for Neri.
Stina's flavors- hazelnut, and then at Grom they served you two flavors for one I got Dark chocolate and pear. Aaron liked the pear a lot. I'm so full of gelato that I've started throwing away half of it so that I can enjoy the cone.
Aaron's flavor- None! That's right....the man has caved and cannot have anymore gelato. He only had pistachio at Vestri.
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