We also saw the Raphael rooms, but sadly, I think both Aaron and myself were underwhelmed with it all. It could've been that it's the end of the trip, that we've seen a billion paintings already, or that there were a billion people in the museum today....I'm not really sure. It's definitely something you should NOT miss though, as you can see his self portrait and it's in the room of the Pope.
He wanted larger, and we got it. St. Peter's Basillica is the largest church in Europe. It's a Baroque church filled with marbles and gold, crosses, and since it's in the Vatican, everything 'Pope'. Our favorite part of this church was a plaque that listed every pope and their death year followed by the next Pope. I think the Pope that reigned the longest was leader for 38 years.

We also went into the grotto where most of the Popes of the past are buried. Since the most recent Pope died in 2005 and he's about to be beautified, there was a crowd around his grave. We tried finding Alexander Borgias' grave, but I don't think he was down there due to the fact that he was a corrupt pope. Anyway, the past Pope is going to be truly 'blessed' come May 1st of this year.
After the Vatican, I made sure to send a couple postcards out since it's a different country than Rome. I sent a postcard to Trixie. I hope she gets it.
Our next stop was Castel Saint Angelo, the old castle for burying the first kings, as burying anyone inside the walls of Rome was forbidden. It was all right. After seeing all of the Vatican, I think it's hard to see ANYTHING else. It did have a nice view of Rome and almost everything inside was from the 1-5 centuries.
We went back to the Collusseum to take a picture in front of it because we were dumb asses yesterday and didn't get a shot in front of it. Once we finished this task, we walked to the Circus Maximus....and I cried when I found out it wasn't a circus. Just kidding, I knew. It was the old stadium for chariot races. It's not even excavated and the reason is because the city of Rome uses the field for concerts. If they excavate it, where will they have the concerts...so for now, chariot pieces and marble seats are under ground....We tried to see the Roman baths but we had trouble with the map and by then it was almost 5:30.
Gelato time
We heard from tons of people locally that the best gelato in Rome was Delle Palma, so of course, I have to try it. Not only was it NOT the best, the panna was SO disappointing. I feel like both Palma and Crispino should just add some sugar to their panna and they'll be golden. Also, their cones were not good. As our last gelateria, we decided to go out with a bang, so we went back to Giolitti's. The panna and the cones are perfect there....do yourself a favor and go there.
Stina- champagne and watermelon (the champagne tasted like champagne exactly. However, I didn't think this through....you like the drink champagne slowly and eat gelato fast. those two actions contradict each other and so does this flavor) The watermelon was AWESOME! I recommend getting watermelon gelato if you can't decide on a flavor. At Giolitti's, I got blueberry, strawberry, and sour cherry. The combo was ok. I think I needed a break from a berry.
Aaron- he opted for mousse today, getting perifertaroles and strawberry. He enjoyed both so much that he scraped his cup clean. At Giolitti's he got blueberry and pear. The pear was the best pear we've tasted, like real pureed fruit. It had bits of pear in it too. You know that feeling when you eat a pear and you get that 'chalky' feeling in your teeth? You get the same sensation when you eat this gelato. Aaron was trying to convince himself that his gelato counted as his fruit servings for the day.....no way, dude!
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