Today was an easy day compared to yesterday. Not nearly as much walking, that's for sure. First stop today was Vevey with Will as our guide. It's a super small town. So small that I wouldn't even consider it a tourist attraction. It IS however, the home of the Nestle Headquarters as well as a Charlie Chaplin statue (due to the fact that he spent the last bit of his life in Vevey.) We sat by the water's edge and Will pointed out where Italy was.

We then went home, picked up his kids and wife from school, and then drove to Gruyeres, the cheese making city. (Aaron and I brought plenty of lactaid pills) The specialty dish of Switzerland is raclette, as well as fondue. Raclette comes from the French verb 'racler' which means 'to scrape'. This is literally what you do. You warm the cheese and then scrape off the melted part onto either some bread, veggies, or potatoes. Tres delicious!

The fondue was also amazing. We had a hard time deciding which was better. All we knew was cheese in general was awesome! We also visited the town's castle. Some of the armor inside was from the 1400's and was stolen. It was a small castle by Europe's standards, but beautiful nonetheless and had a great view. They had a hedge maze and Aaron, Will, and Soren enjoyed playing tag.

After Gruyeres, we drove home and made up our own game of dodgeball. Two people would sit in a chair because everyone was too lazy to play the normal way (not true since they were pooped out from playing Monkey in the Middle first) and one person would run by hoping not to get pelted by balls.

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