Today we took a train ride up to Rochers de Naye, a really tall mountain. Wow, that sounds really vague. Soren would tell you that it's the landing spot for Santa Claus in the winter. You have to take a 50 minute train ride to get there.

The view was amazing. Will was trying to point out where he lived but it was a little hard to tell where exactly he was pointing. We ate in a panoramic restaurant and got to stare at this view for a good hour. Nice right? Also, we were able to view Mont Blanc, though to be honest, I'm not sure just WHICH mountain top it was. I am guessing it was one of the 5 that had snow on them. Good guess? Not sure.

It was a good workout for us, seeing as we've been eating nothing but pastries, cheese, and meat here. But Switzerland has some damn good food!

We went out for dinner tonight at a "Restaurant Terrasse". Clever, no? The waiter informed us that it was the best terrace in all of Europe, according to some magazine. It WAS pretty amazing! Switzerland has some amazing views, I will give it that. I think Will and Nicole enjoyed their night out away from the kids. It was a great trip!
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