Saturday, May 11, 2013

Today's Sugar

 I once again am going by the author of PI4M's recommendation by going to Pierre Hermé. It was yet again another place where the macarons were behind glass and were handled by silver tongs and put into beautiful boxes and sealed with stickers with the monikor on them. Allison, Aaron, and myself got the 15 box, and chose very fast and excitedly.

Aaron- I'll have one of tho...
Stina- Oh I'll have one of those too.

Allison- And one of tho...
Stina- I want that one too!
 I got 5 to try (olive oil and vanilla, salted caramel, cassis, rose, and apricot pistachio) My favorite by far was the olive oil. I'm not sure if it was because I wasn't expecting much from it or it was just that good. Aaron also agreed that olive oil was the clear winner. Allison would take bites and then dance in her seat. We both agreed that the caramel one was SO good, tasting like the top of creme brûlée, and she literally tap danced when she bit into her chocolate passion fruit one.
 Here she is with her matcha tea and sesame seed one. She was pretty happy.
 I loved how she organized them on her plate, as if she were inspired by the earlier trip to the Musee D'orsay or if she was spacing them out in minutes.
I thought the rose was a great palate cleanser. Cassis had actual cassis berries in it, and the olive one had a green olive in it! Way to bring your A game, Pierre!

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