Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Americans hate Mondays, do the French hate Tuesdays?

 I showed up for class this morning at Lutece, and since I hadn't signed up for it, the class was full. They accommodated me in letting me stay. Class was once again enjoyable, adding 2 new students to our class. We talked today about "colocation" or roommates and renting apartments together. We talked about the pros and cons, asked each other questions about living together, etc.

After school, I went grocery shopping for things that could be made with boiling water or with no cooking....I bought a bunch of microwavable meals that would instead be dumped into water for about 10 minutes and would be cooked. Today for lunch I ate potato and bacon concoction. It wasn't bad!

I then had my first private lesson in French with a new teacher at his house. It was exhausting because it was 2 hours on top of what I had already done. In 2 hours, we went over Imparfait, Conditionnel, Passe, and a little bit of Subjunctive. He also had me read the wikipedia page for the King and I in French because it's playing in town.

I went home and had a snack. While munching, the doorbell rang, and a plain clothes cop was there with a woman who was trying to find a sleuth. I had to talk only in French and I wasn't sure what exactly was being said, but it was very scary and I texted Aaron to come home quick so our stuff wouldn't be alone. It left me very stressed.

I then went to buy tickets for "Le Roi et Moi" I'm pretty excited about it. I've never seen it on stage before....just segments.
After purchasing my tickets, I discovered that I had lost my precious Velib card. I called Aaron in near tears about how my day was the worst. I decided to skip my ballet class for the 2nd day in a row to instead walk my entire bike route back to the start to see if I had dropped it on the ground. I never found it. Instead, I called the company, and they were very easy to deal with in replacing it. I bought a new card for 5 euros, and then called them back up to switch all my fees over. Thank God something was easy today.
We finished this hard day by eating at Le Relais Odeon, a restaurant nearby that Voon had mentioned on his fb page. It was ok. We saw a swing band on the sidewalk playing (second time) and tried to dance, but they stopped mid song (Aaron now says that we should not dance to them because it is the second time we've tried and the second time it hasn't worked)

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