Today I showed up for my last class at Lutece. We talked about food (frozen, bio, etc) It was fun, but I'm glad I'm done with it. (The fact that people were looking at at like they didn't understand me when I said "partager" was baffling. The word is EVERYWHERE in France) After class, I headed to Montmartre for some REAL vintage shopping. I stopped into a place called Mamie's, and it was a mess. Very small hole in the wall and the old man in charge is knowledgable and apologizes for the mess, but you really do have to climb over stuff, dig, etc. (Also a cute dog) I found some amazing 40's white shoes similar to my aris allens but they were half a size too small and the price wasn't MIND BOGGLING. I did find this bakelite thing (I have no clue what it is or what it's for) with 2 Trixies on it. But it was 35 euros. For 35, it better be a really cool comb, hold a cigar, light up, etc.
This dress was also 35 Euros. The pricing on 20's-50's vintage is ridiculous. It's almost as if the store owner went through their inventory and said "well, I LIKE that one more than this one, even though it's not as rare. Let's raise its price to an obscene amount." It was too small anyway.
I then had to walk to some other store in the 17th which was about a 45 minute walk, but I knew it was in the shade and pretty flat, so off I went. Sacre Coeur decided to say hi from between 2 buildings. Maybe sometime soon I'll pay her a visit.
I walked through Pigalle. Such a funny place. One street will have a phonograph museum and the next will be sex city! I was having a great time just strolling. I arrived at the next place and couldn't find it, so I asked a random store owner where it was and in French, she told me that it hadn't been there for at least 3 years. Normally, I'd be pretty peeved, but since I didn't have anywhere to be and I heard it all in French, I was pretty stoked. I then took the train to the 20th to one last store, a place that only had 2 40's dresses and they wanted 89 euros for the one I liked (I LIKED it, not LOVED) so I passed.
I was starving so I stopped into a Monop and picked up a mini sandwich pack. It came with 2 little sandwiches for a little over 2 euros. And it tasted really good! Took a picture just to remember it. The sandwich pack tore apart so you could share it with a friend.
I went home for dinner which was boiled microwaved meals (Aaron had some chicken and rice thing that he said was better than some of the bistrot food we've been eating and I had a pork thing that tasted like hot dogs. Meh. I went to a swing dance practice. I have never been to one so I didn't know that once you get there, you're responsible for bringing your own practice material. I didn't have anything off the top of my head except the tranky doo, but with no mirror, it made for a pretty crappy practice. Andrius was there so we worked on some things for him, but for me it was mostly just dancing.
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