Friday, June 27, 2014

Swingin' Paris is finally here!

 "Morning mom, ahem....I'm hungry so get up! Feed me! Pet me. Oh and pick up my poop!"

I love her. She's so sweet to me especially when Aaron is gone because she knows I'm the only one left.
 I went to french, then got lunch at the Smiths bakery, a place near the grocery store that is so cute and rustic. I got some tarte aux framboises. Delish!
 We went for a nice long walk in the park and I decided to make Trixie SIT with me, on the bench. Look at my little pup giving FACE! And she can even sit on the bench by herself. I am impressed. Girl had a big butt and still managed to make it work.
 I went to check out the "Clock" at Centre Pompidou, a movie that is in real time and is a 24 hour film with clips of real movies with clocks in the scenes. I wrote down my favorites and things I'm interested in seeing. I have a lot of movies to add to netflix now.
 Then it was off to Swingin' Paris, which was in the boonies for someone who lives in the middle of town. The equivalent is Kew Meadows perhaps. Yeah, imagine trying to get someone in Queens and the subway turns off after midnight and won't turn back on until 5 AM. Yep, that's where I was. It was a nice space and the band sounded great, but being isolated and no info on how to get back home was a little annoying. I was able to find a cab and split it with 3 others so my fare home was only 8 euros....
 The venue had a pro coiffeur. He was giving men haircuts and even massaging their necks. Pretty awesome!
They also had a jack and jill. I did NOT do well. Oh well, it's only my second one and I've been told that half of it is just continuing to compete and show your face. So I'm doing good by making my face known!

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