Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Our first guest

One of the things I enjoyed a lot last year was having people come and stay with us, or just meeting with friends for a short while. It's so nice to see a friendly face, catch up, etc. After I had class, Aaron met up with me near the Pompidou and we biked to meet his friend Paul, who showed us his really cool block fighting game that I was terrible at and Aaron beat Paul only 2 times out of probably 20 tries.
 After we returned home, Will came over (he's in town on business) so that we could all hang out. The boys went for some drinks across the street at the cafe in front of the Odeon theater while Trixie and I wrote more postcards and watched the season finale of OITNB. When the guys came back, Will called his family via skype so the kids could see Trixie (see how she's ready for her camera close up?!) The kids can't wait to meet her (they're coming to stay 2 nights next weekend) and they're so sweet and innocent that we had them ask Trixie questions and she nodded (prompted by Aaron and a treat of course) which they could not believe.
I took Trixie to the Jardin de Luxembourg to get her daily park walk in and the weather was absolutely stunning, as if it were a picture. Check it out. I wish everyday could be this nice. I'm glad the rain is gone.

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