Saturday, June 14, 2014

Will it rain on my Paris?

 Morning 1 without Aaron. Trixie was nice enough to let me sleep in till 10! We went for our morning walk to get breakfast and I decided to splurge and get Quiche Lorraine. To bring my spirits up, I also treated myself to some hortensia (it was 6 euros for 1 stalk) to put in the apartment.

I was supposed to meet up with my friend Nicole but we agreed to a later time, which meant I had my early afternoon free. I went for a run...and my time went down by almost a minute and a half AGAIN! 4 miles in 34:48! Baller! I walked into the park after I was done and saw these beautiful statues. I love the woman on the right. She's full figured. Beautiful!
 I biked over to the D'Orsay to pick Nicole up, and then we headed to Pere Lachaise so she could "meet" Edith Piaf! On the way, we met Oscar Wilde, Moliere, Jim Morrison, and even Sacha's grandma. There was one tombstone that I saw last year and thought the inscription was so sad, but didn't take a picture of it....lo and behold. I found it. "RIP, My mom, she's all I had". How very sad and poetic.
I had never seen the lipstick marks on his grave until now. Last year, I remember seeing this with Allison and it was completely clean and bare. 

 Edith had a HUGE line to see her. We touched her grave to not only say hi but also get some good singing juju. Same thing with Sarah Berndhart's grave, getting acting vibes.

 After the graveyard, I came home and had some puppy cuddling time. She's been very sweet since we've let her sleep in the bed. She slept while I worked on actor submissions with singing clips. It was for a production of Cats in Texas. Maybe I'll get it, maybe I won't. It's a little insane that I'm making music clips on the other side of the world for jobs in the fall.
 Went for our evening walk and Trixie got some culture. The sun was setting and it was magical.
 After the walk, I headed to the 20th for a swing dance. And whoa, I ran into a fellow dancer that I've seen at numerous NY dances, but have never danced with or even met for that matter. We have a lot of mutual friends though. I got up, said hi, we talked, and strangest thing of all, he WASN'T going to the dance I was attending...he was just going home. What are the odds?
 The dance was fun, though as expected, I had to wait quite a while to dance. Once I got asked, it was like vomit...I never STOPPED dancing. I had some guy say "WOW" after dancing with me (it was not that interesting of a dance but I followed exactly what he wanted) and another who was wearing a sweaty NY shirt and asked me to be his last dance in that shirt because he wore it for me. (Am I supposed to be excited to rub up against your wet tee-shirt?!) What a good day!

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