Sunday, May 26, 2013

Goodbye Belgium

 Today was our last day in Belgium. It was also Raymond's birthday. Aaron got a cooking lesson from Melinda and they made Boulette Liegois. It was very sweet and had grapes in it.
Aaron, myself, Stephan, and Raymond all went over to Melinda's parents house for an aperitif. Rini and Sebastian's house was literally right down the block. It's amazing that we could communicate with them since they were definitely slipping in a lot of Italian. After lunch, we went to yet another food meeting; tea and their friends' house. 
Stephan and Maxime drove us to the train station and there Maxime had to say goodbye. It was so apparent that this family is dying for a dog. Maybe in a couple of years when their new house is built, they will get one, but for now, Melinda says no.

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